Norbert Apter
(Harvard, M.Ed.)
Intelligence Activator
Specialist in Interactive Leadership
Specialist in teams
Trainer and Psychologist .
Times are tough.
Take care of your team.
Develop Your Talents.
You’re keen to progress:
Maintain or develop an efficient and effective team,
that which is being fulfilled, collaborative and motivated
Enhance your skills as a leader, manager, coach, trainer … or psychotherapist
Life isn’t easy for your staff…
The pandemic may seem to have passed, but it has had a definite influence on everyone and every team. Its traces are still frequently felt.
Its hopes and risks are accompanied by changes that are not so easy to manage, particularly in terms of communication and team cohesion.
Economic situation
Between rising prices, wage stagnation, shortages and the stock market crash, the world seems to be turning upside down and the future is uncertain.
Work overload
Between rampant presenteeism, absenteeism and recruitment problems, the work falls on those who remain.
And everything else...
With war on one side and socio-economic tensions, tensions at work, the stress of one’s own life and those of others, everyone is torn, pulled in various directions.
…nor for you.
Norbert Apter, over 35 years’ experience
Master team dynamics
In 1987, Norbert Apter began working mainly as a psychologist-psychotherapist in individual and group sessions. He soon realised that his patients frequently told him about the difficulties they encountered in the workplace.
In 1988, on the strength of his studies and numerous training courses in group and team dynamics, Norbert Apter decided to develop a second area of activity: training and support for professionals and teams, in terms of both relational and operational skills.
His expertise in the field of active facilitation of groups and teams has grown so much that for many years now his main activity has been training, TeamCaring, TeamBuilding and Team Mediation, of which he has become a recognised and active specialist in over 25 countries.
Assess your situation with you
First and foremost, he listens to you and tries to really understand your dynamic and that of your team as you see it. Then he will meet the team to listen to them, to understand them, to better perceive the needs, the silences, the innuendos, the bodily expressions that emerge.
In this way, he assesses where you’re coming from, where you’re at and, above all, where you all want to go, so that he can make a proposal that really meets your needs and aspirations.
Because his great pleasure is to take the team where it is and accompany it, in the presence and with the manager, to where it wants to go.
Benefit from an approach tailored to your team’s situation
Your team is strong
Your team is working well, both from a relational and operational point of view. And you want to keep it that way.
But the team is facing some major challenges and everyone is feeling a little lonely in the face of these challenges.
Everything's fine, and..
The atmosphere is good, the efficiency is there… and you want to maintain this working atmosphere and this efficiency.
Especially since we could learn a lot from some of the successes and difficulties of the past period !
Mood is falling
Your team is increasingly unstable. There are more and more tense moments. You have to prevent the team from falling apart.
The ups and downs are beginning to have a negative impact both on morale and “collaboration” and on the work itself.
Your team is in crisis
Your team is in real trouble. Absenteeism, unspoken words, sources of tension and even crises are spreading.
There are too many clashes. Work is suffering more and more.
Intervention is imperative and urgent.

Supervision & Team Coaching
It’s a chance to spend some time together on a regular basis, accompanied by a third party, and to share your challenges, clarify them, explore them in greater depth, and benefit from each other’s input to find creative and effective options.

To ensure that the team’s relational and operational health endures, it’s important to take time out at least once a year to step back and talk things over.
In this way, the team and its manager can take a close look over the past period and maximise future prospects.

Team Building
The team is starting to suffer more and more, and needs to stabilize and re-energize.
The team needs to anchor its resources and seek constructive solutions to tensions and conflicts before they become (too) serious.
Develop your own talents
by training yourself and your team, or by organising a group of colleagues through co-optation:
You bring together a group (min.10) … and a tailor-made training can be put together !
Do you have to manage complex dynamics?
Nothing more than normal: “Conflict is inevitable, war is optional” Stillwell & Moormon (1997).
Unfortunately, managing conflict or difficult personalities is by no means innate or “simple”. It has to be learned, and has not necessarily been a part of your professional training.
You're not making enough use of intelligence on the field?
In your teams, managers and employees have the experience and knowledge of the realities on the ground to which you need to respond.
But this goldmine is not sufficiently exploited, whether from a strategic, operational or relational point of view. What a shame!
Too much talk, not enough action at your meetings?
Your team meetings are not always stimulating enough: words, powerpoints, visible weariness… The important issues sometimes get lost in endless discussions without leading quickly enough to clear progress or concrete action. This can be demotivating and demotivating.

Training for difficult situations
Dealing with difficult personalities, managing conflicts, crises or situations of violence are all realities that you or your managers may encounter.
To avoid being left helpless in the midst of these unavoidable and sometimes disconcerting moments, think ahead! Train yourself and your teams of (top) managers, HR professionals, coaches or trainers.

Collective Intelligence training
Don’t do everything alone all the time. Let everyone’s intelligence emerge constructively from a relational, operational and strategic point of view.
In this way, put back at the centre by your interactive leadership, everyone’s creativity and involvement (re)become a key asset for stability, agility, efficiency and, by extension, for the company’s growth.

Training in Action Methods
Sometimes, instead of talking, act together!
Train yourself in a real methodology in this sense: the Methods of Action according to J.L. Moreno.
Putting people into action and into interaction takes into account the various components of each situation and each project, in a safe, dynamic, fun and intense way. There is no doubt that the effectiveness of the meeting is maximised, and in record time.
And if you’re a psychotherapist…
Therapy through words is not always enough
Words can only express a tiny part of reality. Your patient only conveys certain aspects of his/her situation and sometimes hides behind words, without really being aware of it.
Significant elements are not necessarily apparent and he/she goes round in circles. Putting these dynamics into action would be a great help.
Training in Humanist Psychodrama
Learn how to help your patient show his or her reality and discover the nuances, the details that make all the difference. When the whole body is brought into action, into interaction, key elements emerge unexpectedly.
Humanist psychodrama enables each person to make the invisible visible, and to make new awarenesses that bring about change.
A proven model for co-developing a tailor-made project

Initial interview with you and/or meeting with the team
Two important moments to take stock of your situation, your dynamic and that of the team, to understand the issues and determine together the objectives to be set.

Setting up a realistic formula and format
On the basis of your situation and that of your team, as well as the needs and objectives you have expressed, from both a relational and operational point of view, Norbert Apter will offer you a tailor-made formula for short or long-term support, taking into account your own contingencies.

Group sessions
The tailor-made coaching process we offer is based on J.L. Moreno’s Humanist Action Methods methodology. This gives the team and its manager the opportunity to express, experiment with and practise different ways of being and doing.
This promotes both professional development and collaborative effectiveness.
Benefit from

A rich experience
For more than 30 years, Norbert Apter has facilitated the progress of numerous teams and has been confronted with all kinds of situations, from the simplest to the most complex ones.

A tailor-made follow-up
The frequency, duration and number of sessions are determined according to your situation, your needs and your progress objectives.

A real change
The impact of these interventions is profound both from a relational and operational point of view.It has convinced even themost recalcitrant.
Norbert Apter’s experience of over 35 years…
+ More than 15 international organisations
+ over 50 companies
+ More than 100 institutions (+ elected representatives)
+ More than 15 training centres and universities
+ More than 30 interactive conferences
+ More than 80 articles, interviews and reports
In over 25 countries
My real pleasure
Take professionals, groups and teams where they are, and accompany them where they want to go…
Contact me